Like perhaps no other term, ‘digitalization’ is associated with contradictory expectations, forecasts of societal development, and of our lives and work. In this context, science must accordingly pose the question of how its research can contribute to an inclusive digital society, and thus to more equal opportunities, diversity, and digital empowerment. To what extent can digitalization be applied to question hegemonic concepts of power from an intersectional perspective (gender, sexuality, ethnic background, ability etc.)? How can the perspectives of underrepresented groups and discourses actively shape the transformation processes taking place?
In order to gain a broad perspective of all facets of digital transformation impacts, establishing diverse and gender equal research communities is key. We believe that at the ECDF, we can and should create a meaningful public debate and contribute to the shift in gender diversity within information and communications technology research in Berlin and internationally.
In this motivation the ECDF has launched the following funding activities:
ECDF Gender and Diversity Network Project Funding
The funding program is intended to provide rapid and easy support with a maximum of 2.000 Euros for smaller projects that aim to promote a critical debate on diversity in the context of digitization and advancing inclusion and diversity in digitalization research and practice.
Activities that focus on equality, diversity, and empowerment in connection to digitalization are supported. Funded activities are expected to relate to the ECDF in form of e.g., publication in ECDF Open Paper Series, events or exhibitions at the ECDF, acknowledgment of funding in publications etc. Eligible for funding are ECDF professors, PIs, and associated members of the ECDF and their employees as well as students of ECDF professors, of PIs and associated professors. //Additional Information
ECDF Annual Award for “Digitalization and Diversity”
The award will honor the best paper addressing questions of gender and diversity in the context of digitalization. To acknowledge the wide range of ECDF interdisciplinary and diverse work, the applications of working results like exhibitions, installations or other formats are welcome as well. ECDF professors, their PhDs and PostDocs are eligible to apply for the award which is endowed with 1000 Euro Prize Money. The next application deadline is 31.10.2024. //Additional Information