Associated Member
Dr. Samuel Knauss is a neurologist and neuroscientist at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. During his studies in Berlin and at Harvard Medical School he founded a Digital Health Startup. As Digital Clinician Scientist and project leader in the Digital Health Accelerator Program of the Berlin Institute of Health, he works on the conception, implementation and scientific evaluation of digitization projects in global health and is especially responsible for the software development of the health savings book mTOMADY.
Since 2019 he is an associate member of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), member of the Center Charité Global Health and coordinator of the working group "Digital solutions to protect against financial risks" of the Global Health Hub Germany. Since 2016, he has been involved in the association Doctors for Madagascar in order to effectively protect low-income patients in particular from medical impoverishment through the use of digital solutions.
Dr. Samuel Knauss is a Digital Clinician Scientist at the Berlin Institute for Health Research and the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. At the Einstein Center Digital Future, Dr. Knauss is working on the development and application of digital and mobile technologies to simplify access to quality healthcare worldwide: The interdisciplinary cooperation with colleagues from various disciplines at the ECDF is unique and enables this complex problem area to be tackled jointly with financial, medical and social aspects.